Instructions for using the Weight Calculator:
Important notice: all weight calculation results
by the weight calculator are for estimate reference only
* Choose a material you wish to obtain weight
calculation from the Material Selection Box.
Average density of the material for weight calculation
will be shown in the DENSITY box with g/cc as
default unit.
* If you know the exact density of a specific
material and wish to obtain the accurate instead
of average weight,
modify the default number and select proper
unit in DENSITY UNIT selection box for weight
* You can also select CUSTOM in material selection
box to start a custom material weight calculation.
* Select the shape or profile of the material
for weight calculation: Tile, Column, Hexagon,
Ball etc.
* Put in the total quantity or just leave the
value at 1 if you wish to make unit weight calculation.
* Fill in the dimensions of your material referring
to the drawing at right-side of screen. Make
sure to choose proper unit.
* The weight value will be calculated when you
hit ENTER key or click on CALCULATE button.
* The RESET button will change all the settings
back to the start default values.