Only $998.00 + Shipping.
Shipped from the East Coast USA additional.
SIZE: WIDE 18", DEEP 8", HIGH 13"
Email us at for your order information
Or Write; Larry at Artfiberglass
Sweet Home, Oregon 97386
Ph: 1-541-359-4708
DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD PURCHASE IMPORTANT !!! To Purchase: If the shipping is not posted here, After contacting us to get your shipping costs and full price, you can use PayPal to accept bank cards. CAUTION !! BEFORE PURCHASE PLEASE CONTACT US FIRST TO GET YOUR FULL QUOTE !!
* Open Hours * 8am to 5pm Pacific Time - Monday thru Friday (Closed Weekends and Holidays)
If you want any information on any of these Carvings listed above
send an email below to:
Large Marble Carvings